Most websites related to Timeranger from 20 years ago have been lost now, but we can visit these by Wayback Machine fortunately for us. It seems like there is a few more information online for Gaoranger the next entry in the Super Sentai, because internet culture was in a transition period about 20 years ago when the tv program Timeranger was broadcast. Also, even though the tv program was so much popular, it struggled to sell toys, which was a big problem for a kid's show. For that reason, Gaoranger was launched early, it seems to compensate for sales. Kamen Rider Kuuga, which was broadcasting in the time slot after Timeranger's, was more trending around the same time. That was the new series from Kamen Rider for the first time in 20 years, and that had a higher viewer rating than Timeranger. Timeranger is one of most popular from Super Sentai but it seems a little bit unlucky, I felt like that while watching internet from just before transition to web 2.0. Everyone, have fun with these sites like someone at the time enjoying while feeling nervous about the coming 21st century!


Toei's official website at the time of 2000. Of course it is no longer on the internet, but it was possible to visit here until the year 2013. The profile page introduced that Sion gets hungry soon. I wasn't aware of that detail when I watched the tv show. He made a sukiyaki and an onigiri lunch box for everyone, sometimes he prioritized eating over work, and he was eating Morinaga snacks secretly at midnight. So, he seems to have a normal apetite from these episodes, doesn't he? The episode pages have the synopsis of each story with the messages from staffs and casts, you can know the valuable behind the scenes story only they know! It's so enjoyable that each message from the 6 main casts has its own personality. Please check the message from Kuranuki Masahiro when he was 17 y/o, of course. The site is a valuable document worth visiting. Unfortunately we can't see that casts' special message videos exclusive for the website. Where can we find those videos...


It started because Timeranger DVD had been released, only VHS was sold until that time. The site was possible to visit until quite recently 2021, but that lost since 2022. Because the new DVD BOX released for the first time in 18 years in January 2022, for that started another page I think. Following the past of the site to February 2004, there was a talk event announcing the DVD release. Kuranuki Masahiro, Katsumura Mika, Kasahara Shinji, Kobayashi Yasuko the screenwriter, and Hikasa Jun the producer participated at the event in Ishimaru Denki which was popular to otaku. How great for Super Sentai lovers! I'm sure so many people swarmed into that place. If I were an adult at that time I would go there! What kind of episodes did they tell? People who were there must have enjoyed lots of exciting episodes. There was a form to ask questions to them on the page, I would have sent a topic about Sion's past life. It's important for his mentality and values. Or, which one of hair color products you used.


Toei Hero Net opened in the year 2000, which was a membership site handling Toei contents, therefore "the special messages from Timerangers" was published on the site at that time. I recommend you check the pages of as many years and months as possible because there are so many messages from ex casts of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. We can't see the members-only pages because the site does not accept sign up now, so, there's no way now to see what kind of Timeranger contents were on the site. People who read this message back then wanted to sign up by knowing there are quality contents like that. The following is a translation of "the special messages from Timerangers". (Has this been translated and shown somewhere in the past? These translations are by me, hope it expresses their individuality.)

*From Nagai Masaru as Time Red
Hello everyone! This is Masaru Nagai, who plays Time Red / Tatsuya Asami. Shooting is coming to a close, and all of the members are giving their all. When we were little, we were inspired by cool heroes, and now we're in the opposite position, and inspire hopes and dreams for kids... Getting a lot of letters, I realize that position. We'll keep combining our power to make Mirai Sentai Timeranger the best, so please keep supporting us.
みなさん、こんにちは!タイムレッド/浅見竜也役の永井マサルです。撮影の方も終盤にさしかかり、メンバーも気合いの入れ方が、どんどん増してきています。 私たちが幼い頃見ていた、あのカッコイイお兄さん。あの頃は憧れだったのに、今となっては自分たちが逆の立場になり、チビッコ達に夢や希望を与えている・・・色々なお便りもいただき、自覚も大きくなってきています。  これからも、「未来戦隊タイムレンジャー」が最高の作品となっていくよう、みんなで力をあわせて頑張っていきますので、これからも応援よろしくお願いします。

*From Katsumura Mika as Time Pink
Super Sentai series with so many heroes. I have seen them sometimes on tv, but I'm so surprised to know the series have the support of so many people by playing Yuuri. I will continue to do my best for the fans who support us. See you in Toei Hero Net.
たくさんのヒーローが出ている戦隊シリーズ。テレビとかでは何度か見てましたけど、実際私が未来戦隊タイムレンジャーでユウリ役を演じてみて、これほどまでに、たくさんのファンの方が支持をしている事を知り、 とても驚きましたし、改めて応援してくれるファンのためにも最後までがんばります。東映ヒーローネットで会いましょう。

*From Kido Yuji as Time Blue
Hello, this is Yuji Kido, who plays Time Blue / Ayase. As a kid, I often watched hero programs, and thought I wanted to be like that, and that it was so cool. They have an image of being strong, and always winning in the end. In Timeranger, one member is from the 20th century and the other 4 from the future. It's a bittersweet show, as it ends with a parting. The character I play, Ayase, has a heart sickness called the Osiris Syndrome. He was diagnosed with it in his health check to fulfill his dream of being a pro-racer. With that condition he becomes a member of the TTPB, and has to go to the 20th century. He comes a Timeranger to capture the Londerz. He meets five companions and begins to change. I hope everyone can see how Ayase's character develops. There are many people suffering from illnesses in the world; I hope seeing Ayase can give them courage. I will keep doing my best so please keep supporting us.
Kido Yuji
こんにちは。タイムブルーアヤセ役の城戸裕次です。子供の頃、よくヒーロー番組を見ていましたが、純粋にああいう風になりたいなぁとか、カッコいいなぁとか思いながら見ていました。 そして、ヒーローはやはり強い、最後には必ず勝つというイメージがありました。タイムレンジャーは、一人は20世紀の人間で、後の4人は未来の人間。最後にはやはり「別れ」があるという、とても切ない番組です。 その中で自分が演じるアヤセは、オシリス症候群という心臓病をかかえた役です。アヤセの夢である、プロレーサーになること。その健康診断でわかってしまった病気。そういう体で時間保護局の隊員になり、20世紀に行かされるはめになる。 そして、ロンダーズを捕まえるためにタイムレンジャーになる。その中で5人の仲間と出会い、変わっていくアヤセ。見ている視聴者のみなさんにも変わっていくアヤセを見て頂ければ、と思っています。 また、世の中には病気に苦しむ人達もたくさんいます。そういう人達がアヤセを見て少しでも元気になってもらえたら幸せです。これからも精一杯頑張っていきますので応援よろしくお願いします。

*From Koizumi Tomohide as Time Yellow
I don't think it's so easy to define a hero. There are a lot of people in the world, and I think they all have their own image of what a hero is. Even people who have the same hero can have a different impression of that person. For that reason, I don't think there will ever stop being hero shows, and more heroes will keep being created, continuing a legacy on eternally. What they all have in common is that they give us hopes and dreams. Hero shows have an important message, to help the physically and mentally weak, to value friends, and to love one's family. Things like these offer a moral compass for children, and reminds adults of something pure we've forgotten. I hope Toei Hero Net can create a new hero world through this new medium that many people can enjoy.
Koizumi Tomohide
ヒーローって一言じゃ定義できないと思うんですよ。この世の中には沢山の人間がいて、それぞれの人間がそれぞれのヒーロー像を持っているんじゃないかな。 複数の人間が同じヒーローを持ったとしても、みんな違った印象をきっと感じているはず。だからヒーロー番組はなくならないし、いろんなかたちのヒーローが生まれて、これからも永遠に受け継がれていくと思うんです。 でも共通していえる事もあって、それは『夢と希望』を与えてくれるということ。ヒーロー番組ってすごくメッセージ性が高いじゃないですか、精神的や肉体的に弱っている人を助ける、仲間を大事にする、 家族の愛っていうような事を伝えようとしてますよね。こういうのって小さい子供達には道徳的な道標になるし、大人の人に対しても忘れかけていた純粋なモノを思い返させてくれると思うんです。 『東映ヒーローネット』この新しいメディアによってまた新しいヒーローワールドを創り出し、多くの人に楽しんでもらいたいな。

*From Kuranuki Masahiro as Time Green
"Heroes" are a role model forever for kids and all of us. I liked Super Sentai series, and eagerly watched it every week as a child. At that time I liked Bioman Pink, There's a picture of me gripping Pink's figure and smiling. I still love Bioman Pink so much. Toei Hero Net, with all the heroes who inspired me, is a treasure box to me.
「ヒーロー」それは子供達、僕達の永遠のあこがれです。僕も幼いころは戦隊シリーズが大好きで、毎週夢中になってテレビを見てました。 そのころの僕は、「バイオマン」のピンクが好きで、幼いころの写真にピンクの人形を握りしめて笑顔で写っている自分がいて、 今でもそんな「バイオマン」のピンクが大好きです。僕に夢をたくさん与えてくれた、ヒーロー達が集まるサイト。「東映ヒーローネット」は僕にとって宝箱です。