This is Volume 3 of the magazine Dengeki Tokusatsu Tsuushin, issued in the year 2000.
The cover and contents convey how popular Kamen Rider Kuuga was (and how heavily it was being promoted),
and we can get a rare sight of a fresh-faced Odagiri Jo (Godai Yusuke), who appears more enthusiastic here than would become his typical image.
It also contains a lot of info about other Tokusatsu, including an article with some very valuable Timeranger information, an interview with producer Hikasa Jun and screenwriter Kobayashi Yasuko,
wherein they discuss the various ideas and changes behind the the settings of the Timeranger characters we now know.
This information isn't very widely known, so I think it would be good to share it here. I selected and translated the parts of the article where they discuss the characters, and inserted my comments as well.
What's the intention of having alien members in Timeranger? / タイムレンジャーのメンバー内に宇宙人を設定した意図を教えてください。 |
Having an alien character expands the show's world. There's contact with other planets in the future, and with aliens living on Earth,
it would be strange not to include one in the 4 characters from the future. / 宇宙人をひとり置くことで、作品の世界観が広がるといった理由です。未来の世界は異星との交流があって、異星人と暮らしているという設定ですから。未来人を代表する4人の中に宇宙人がいないのも変かなと思いまして。 |
How did you decide the casting of the 5 actors? / 5人のキャスティングはどのように決められたのでしょうか。 |
The character settings were already decided to some extent, and we started meeting actors that matched each of them. However,
about a month passed from the initial auditions to the final decisions, and we were also working on the script during that time,
so there was mutual influence between the two processes. For example, Sion is an alien who's good at working with machines,
and Ayase a cool warrior bearing an illness. We looked for actors with about two characteristics like this in mind,
but sometimes we didn't find actors who matched both. For example, in the planning stages the character with the illness was supposed to be a young man good at machines,
but once the actors were chosen we decided to slide the machine setting to the alien character. /
企画時には機械いじりが好きで病をかかえた青年という組み合わせだったものを、俳優が決定することによって、じゃあ、機械いじりはこの宇宙人くんに持ってこようとか、そういうスライドはありますね。 |
Tatsuya has special karate skills; is that because Nagai Masaru is good at karate? / 空手が得意なのは、永井さんが得意だから? |
That's right. Originally he was going to be good at Kendo. If there's too big a difference in fighting skill between him and the 4 from the future,
the action scenes with the 5 of them would be unnatural, so we decided to make him a martial arts master.
A normal person wouldn't suddenly be able to fight even after transforming. /
そうですね。最初は剣道が得意にしてたんですよ。戦闘レベル的に4人とあまり差があると、5人揃ってのアクションが不自然になってしまうので、何か武道の達人にしようとは思っていました。ズブの素人が、いきなり変身しても戦えないですもんね。 |
Pink's character and positioning were what changed the most with your involvement in the story. / そのピンクの設定、ポジションが、小林さんが関わられて一番変わっていった部分だと思いますが。 |
That's right. Originally she was going to be a cute pink character. But I wanted to change the treatment of pink characters.
I felt like we were entering an era where "cute" was no longer the highest praise for a woman,
so I wanted to make her a character with the most experience and will to fight evil among the five of them. From a long time before,
I had wanted to see a "cool" woman character, a "cool" pink. / そうですね。最初はフツーのかわいいピンクでした。でもそろそろ、何とかピンクの存在を変えたいなって。
これは結構昔から。考えてました。野望、でしたね。(笑) |
How about the other 3 members? / 3人については? |
Having one alien character was decided from the beginning. Everyone really liked that setting so I thought I shouldn't change that.
The setting for the other three was for an intelligent, professor-like, mature alien, a sickly, polite young man, like Souji Okita, and a pretentious celebrity.
The final settings were influenced by the casting choices. Kuranuki having a terminal illness was too sad... /
倉貫くんが短命だと、ホントにかわいそうになってしまうんで・・・とか考えていって。 |
Why did Ayase's job change from celebrity to racer? / アヤセが芸能人からレーサーになったのは? |
That changed when we were thinking of what jobs everyone would do at Tomorrow Research. / それは、トゥモローリサーチでの仕事を考えた結果ですね。 |
How about Domon being a pro fighter? / ドモンがプロファイターというのは? |
Once the characters started getting shifted around we ran out of settings, so a pro-fighter was a new idea we came up with at that stage.
/ いろいろと調整しているうちに設定が足りなくなったので、アイデアとしてあったものをあてはめました。 |
It's funny that he wasn't an elite fighter, and moreover was exiled for being late to a match. / それがエリートではなく、遅刻して追放されたズッコケてきなノリですが。 |
The story would be too dark if all of them had serious issues, so we wanted one character who was satisfied with their life in the 30th century,
and then they would be unsatisfied with not being able to return, having left siblings behind. /
あんまり全員、重いものを背負ってる人だと、暗くなっちゃうので、30世紀の現状に満足している人も1人ほしかったんです。それで帰れないことにものスゴく不満を持っている。残してきた兄弟もいる、という設定に。 |
The other 3 members are determined to arrest Dolnero, don't have good memories of the 30th century, and are in despair about their lives...
Domon is necessary to the drama to convey to the viewers the magnitude of what's happening by his own emotional reaction. /
ドモンはドラマに必要な、動揺することで起こっている事の重大さを視聴者に伝える役割も、担ってますね。 |
That's right. The other 4 don't react very much./そうですね。ほかの4人はリアクションがなくなりがちなので。(笑) |
Sion was originally planned to be a dignified, swordsman like character with a terminal illness.
However, when the alien setting was attached, he may have had non-human looks with elf ears and a horn.
After various modifications all those attributes didn't stay within one person, but if they had he may have looked like the image to the left (based on my imagination), with a strong fantasy touch,
which could have changed the whole show's atmosphere.
Considering that Timeranger has sci-fi elements such as the 30th century future and aliens it wouldn't be strange for such a character to appear,
but by avoiding such an obvious route, the show acheived the realism for which it is highly praised.
The uncanny depiction of Sion blending naturally into the 20th century lifestyle despite being an alien is one of Timeranger's defining attributes.
I had always felt that Ayase and Sion's positions slightly overlapped, and it turns out that some aspects of their characters were exchanged,
which is why they start to appear similar, even if that's not the case at first.
Ayase's character also went through a lot of changes, and it seems like some aspects of him weren't completed until the last minute.
Personally I feel like he stands out the least in the finished product, and if his position were that of the machine-tinkering young man, rather than having a terminal illness, that may have been even moreso.
That would also have made him too similar to Nagare from the previous year's Go Go Five.
The setting of the pretentious celebrity sounds interesting, but that would leave him without anything to do at Tomorrow Research.
Ayase seeming not to stand out is due to his internally facing his illness and restraining his emotions, staying cool and not sharing much of himself with others,
and once we understand how that character setting came to be, it isn't really true that he doesn't stand out at all.
Domon's character hardly existing at all until the later stages of planning is also interesting.
In the end, he becomes a somewhat typical yet unique character.
Yuuri originally was also nothing like the character she ended up being, and her character and positioning were greatly changed when Kobayashi Yasuko became the main writer, when she became the Yuuri that we know.
It's explained simply in the above interview, but considering that we now live in a world where a boy can transform into a Pretty Cure main character,
I want to draw attention to how the writers made Yuuri into the effective leader and stronger than the other characters 20 years ago.
On the other hand, Tatsuya's character is the only one who doesn't seem to have changed very much,
just with his preferred martial art changing to karate from kendo. I wonder what Naoto Takizawa's original setting was like.
He appears when the story is already well developed, so I imagine his setting was created from the early stages.